A red line crossing the landscape motif. I worked for a long time on this painting. It was only started in plein air, mostly painted and finished in my studio. Inner moods were such that the impact of the war in Ukraine is about to begin, as new boundaries of what is allowed and what is not are being tested - that is what the red line represents. There were a lot of different thoughts gathered in my head and they influenced the creation of Limit. The painting process itself was fun, because there wasn’t any ominous war mood and horrors yet, so they are not present in the work either. I didn't want to show them, because there was already a lot of information about it. The limit seemed to have slipped out of me, since I had to overcome inner limits too. The Limit has some unique tension. But the sky looks beautiful - blue, gentle.

Canvas, oil.

100 cm x 100 cm

